The development status of brushless motor industry in various regions of the world Asia leads the world


With the rapid development of information technology, the global supply and demand of brushless motors have shown a straight upward trend. According to data from GrandviewResearch, Asia's market share reached 46.94% and will climb further in the future. Forward forecast, 2027 Asian brushless motors will reach about 13.55 billion US dollars.

The development status of brushless motor industry in various regions of the world Asia leads the world

In terms of market trends, Asia is developing rapidly, led by Japan; Japan and China are the main countries in Asia brushless motor production, Japan because of its leading technology, in many regions and countries in the world have built brushless motor manufacturers, producing high-end brushless motor products, and China because of the advantages of raw materials and human resources in the past few years, precision motors began to develop rapidly, but because China started late, The technical basis of brushless motor is generally low, and most of the brushless motors produced are mainly middle and low-end products. However, with the gradual disappearance of China's advantages in raw materials and human resources, coupled with the introduction of China's energy-saving motor subsidy policy and technological progress, China's brushless motor market will gradually expand.

For Europe, due to the early start, many European countries such as Germany, Switzerland and other brushless motor technology master the more core technology, with the global market for high-end brushless motor demand increased, the proportion of brushless motors in Europe will maintain or slowly rise.

According to the data released by GrandviewResearch, the Asian market occupies the first place in the world with 46.94% of the market size, followed by the United States, accounting for 21.08%.


Development status and prospects of Asian brushless motor market

Taking Japan as an example, Japanese brushless motor manufacturing has obvious advantages in the field of IT products and automotive fields, and only a few companies in the world are capable of hard disk spindle motor technology, including NIDEC (Nippon Electric Power) and PANASONIC; At the same time, NIDEC's market share in optical disc drive spindle motor technology is more than 70%; Axial fan motors are also the strength of Japanese manufacturers, and the combined market share of Meibea, Dianzi and Sanyo Electric exceeds 85%. In addition, Japan's precision machining production lines are basically mostly automated and intelligent, plus Japan is the most advanced country in industrial robots, and Japan's precision instruments have been a good development platform.

According to data from GrandviewResearch, the market size of brushless DC motors in Asia from 2014 to 2019 has shown an increasing trend year by year. In 2019, the Asian brushless DC motor market reached $7.8 billion


According to data from Grandviewresearch and the development trend of brushless motors in Asia in recent years, the outlook predicts that brushless motors in Asia will reach $13.55 billion in 2027.


The development status and prospect of brushless motor market in the United States

The use of brushless motors in the United States is mainly used in large-scale manufacturing and military industry, the United States in the application of brushless motors in the field has been more tremendous development and application landing, has more rich practical experience, especially for the United States military motors, has been a great development. From the perspective of enterprises, the use of brushless motors in the United States is mainly used in large-scale manufacturing and military industry, the United States in the application of brushless motors has been a relatively huge development and application landing, has a relatively rich practical experience, especially for the United States military motors, has been a great development.

According to data from GrandviewResearch, the size of the brushless DC motor market in the United States from 2014 to 2019 shows an upward trend year by year. In 2019, the U.S. brushless DC motor market reached $3.44 billion.


According to data from GrandviewResearch and the development trend of brushless motors in the United States in recent years, the outlook predicts that brushless motors in the United States will reach $5.74 billion in 2027.


European brushless motor market development status and prospects forecast

Europe's precision motor is mainly represented by Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and other countries, with the release of German industry 4.0, Europe has risen a manufacturing industry as the main preparation for the fourth industrial revolution, plus these countries for decades of technology accumulation and application, Europe's brushless motor began to develop rapidly, in addition, Germany, as the first country to introduce DC brushless motors and its drive system, has a greater advantage in brushless motors, and also represents the technical level of brushless motors in Europe in recent years.

In terms of enterprise, most of the European brushless motor enterprises have a long history of development, the main production enterprises for Germany Schneider, Germany Siemens, Switzerland ABB, Germany Kolmorgen, Germany SEW-transmission equipment company, Germany Doctor Group and Germany KAG motor company.

According to data from GrandviewResearch, the European brushless DC motor market size from 2014 to 2019 shows an increasing trend year by year. In 2019, the European brushless DC motor market reached $30.8 billion.


According to data from Grandviewresearch and the development trend of brushless motors in Europe in recent years, the outlook predicts that brushless motors in Europe will reach $5.14 billion in 2027.
